Review Policies

What I Accept:
I am particularly interested in ARCs from the author, publisher, or publicist. I review traditionally published, as well as self published/Indy authors.

Genres of Interest: YA, Paranormal, Erotica (only male/female), Romance (paranormal, historical, contemporary) Humorous, Mystery, Suspense, Children's Books (only chapter books for 10+).

Will Not Review: Horror or gore, books of poetry, non-fiction, books with racist themes (toward any race).

When reviewing, I usually include: Book cover, author name, excerpt from the book or back cover, publication details (page count, genre, links to purchase book, etc…), and my review.

How I Review: I am kind but give my genuine impression of the book from opening page to the back cover. I cannot promise a favorable review, but I do promise to do my best to be fair. I appreciate the author’s creative license and hard work. My intention is to help authors get the word out on their work.

How to Submit: Complete the form below. Please include the title of the book, genre and author details. Give me your desired time frame and any stipulations you have. I like at least one month to review the book, but will do my best to meet your request.

*Please note: My agreeing to read your book does not guarantee a review. Since I have such a high number of reviews, I usually give a book three chapters to pull me in. If it does not grab my attention by then, I move on to the next review. If that is the case, I will email you and let you know. I feel it's only fair to let you, the author, know if I wasn't able to review your book. I do hope you understand!

I look forward to hearing from you and I do hope you will also follow me on Twitter: @readingway :)

If you are looking for editing services, please see my Editing Services page.

My Rating System: Stars

5* = Loved it!
4* = I Really Liked It!
3* = Enjoyable. I wasn't on the edge of my seat, but I liked it.
2* = This title was all right. Some of it connected with me, but some parts I skipped over.
1* = What else can I say? It's one star. I probably wouldn't recommend it to others.

* Required


  1. It is unfortunate to read that you "do not review self-published books". That's a real put down. The shelves of bookshops are packed with just as much rubbish brought out by traditional publishers as there are unreadable books by self published authors. I have had 15 commissioned books published, but I self published my latest book as publishers felt the cost of using colour images was prohibitive. It has since received "best non-fiction award" from the Self Publishing Review. and has attracted fantastic reviews on You need to change yr attitude towards self publishing, along with many others, because more and more good books are going this route. Thank you.

  2. Thank you for contacting me about this. First off, I have changed my policy to include self published authors. In the beginning, I didn't want to review them because I get so many self published authors who's book has had little or no editorial process and they were books I felt I couldn't recommend because of that. They were submitted to me in such high numbers, I just didn't have time. Things have calmed down just a little bit, and I have been accepting self published books for a while but at the same time, I am just one person and once I start on a book it takes time away from the others when I find it's got a lot of grammatical or other types of errors. But I agree with you that there are a lot of high quality, self published books out there and the world is changing in that way.

  3. "You need to change yr attitude towards self publishing"

    Yeah, no. I'm a reviewer and don't take self published authors. First, many of them (from what I've been through) are rude and expect good reviews. When you don't like their book they get defensive and it turns into drama.

    Second, they aren't edited well. Maybe some of them are, but you have no idea how many times I put down a book because the editing was so TERRIBLE! I think I've finished 4 self published books front to back out of 15 without cringing.

    I'm not trying to be rude here. I've just delt with so many people who think their book is the BEST EVER when it isn't even close. I have even drawn up a contract authors need to sign in order for me to peacefully review. It gets THAT bad!

    Ella, if you don't want to review self published authors then don't. You shouldn't get pressured into it.

  4. Hello Rachel. I sympathize with you, and as an indie writer who would never send out a book for review without first having it professionally edited, I resent lazy, arrogant writers of the kind you describe.

  5. There seems to be something wrong with the form Ella? Can I email my details at all?

    1. Hi Shalga! I'm sorry I'm just now seeing this. Have you tried emailing to Maybe that will work :)

  6. Hi, I'm having trouble submitting my form. Is there an email or some other way I can submit my information for Initiated to Kill?


  7. Hi Sharlene! You can send it over to :)
